DNA Sequencing and Analysis Software
Sequence Navigation ✓
Annotations ✓
Import Sequences ✓
Restriction Maps ✓
Cloning ✓
Sequencing ✓
Mutation Analysis ✓
Contig Assembly ✓
Multiple Alignments ✓
Primer Design ✓
Blast Searching ✓
Structure Viewer ✓
Easy To Use ✓
Free Demo ✓
Download and use
immediately ✓
'designed specifically for PhD students and post-docs at the bench - DNADynamo is an invaluable tool for molecular biologists'
Privacy Statement -Any information supplied to BlueTractorSoftware by you will only be used to
supply you with our software and will not be passed to any third party or used in any other fashion
DNADynamo DNA sequencing and Analysis Software is easy to use. Import or retrieve annotated sequence files from a variety of
formats and online databases. Assemble sequencing data, analyse mutations, and export the results. Design cloning strategies,
design primers, and create beautiful plasmid maps that can be edited and adjusted any way you want. Supports DNA and Protein
multiple sequence alignments via Clustal And Muscles plugins. Alignments are fully editable. The more you use DNADynamo the
more useful your sequence files become as you accumulate notes, annotations, oligos and sequencing data. DNADynamo supports
copy and paste sub cloning, and it’s construct maker includes automatic primer design for restriction site addition or seamless gibson
cloning and infusion cloning strategies. TOPO, TA and gateway reactions are also supported. Suitable for molecular biologists at any
level, use DNADynamo to blast search at ncbi, search and retrieve genbank files from entrez, retrieve and display pdb structure files,
and more. You won't need to read a long and complicated manual, and if you do have questions about how to use DNA Dynamo
software, we are more than happy to answer them. DNADynamo DNA Sequencing and Analysis software is available for Windows
PCs including Windows7, Windows 10, Windows 11, MacOS/OS X 10.10.10 Yosemite -> Sonoma 14 and Linux.
If you are looking for alternative DNA sequencing software now that Vector NTI is no longer available, you might be interested to
know that the DNA Dynamo demo can open VectorNTI database sequence files and import or export your DNA sequences and
annotations as DNA Dynamo files, or genbank files, for use in other dna sequence analysis software
>>>> Download DNADynamo >>>> now for an effective alternative to Vector NTI, Snapgene, Geneious etc
What DNA Dynamo users have said about DNA Dynamo
“I’ve been using DNADynamo for over five years. Its the perfect solution for plasmid management, allowing full construct and primer
design, in silico cloning and PCR, right through to generating high quality graphic maps and attaching sequencing data. Customer
support has always been very responsive and accommodating. With its very attractive pricing, I highly recommend this software for
your lab’s construct management needs.” Gerry Hammond, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
"Hi All, I've been very happy with DNADynamo thus far - my lab has a mix of PCs Macs and one Linux station and we can all swap
data very easily. I've got a suggestion. VectorNTI is a common package for sequence manipulation that many people have been
using. It's support is terrible and Invitrogen (who bought the package) has been phasing out its "open source" version and making
people pay through the nose to maintain their licenses. You should take the opportunity to get these people to switch from Vector
NTI to DNADynamo. .... Your software is almost as functional as VectorNTI (and just as functional for all important features) and has
the big advantage of being cross-platform. ... With these tight financial times I think more people would be interested in your less
expensive software. Just my thoughts after hearing more than one person throw up their hands in frustration with VectorNTI. I've
told them all to try DNADynamo." W.N. University of Toronto
"It has been great to use DNADynamo. This software is really cool!" M.H. - Keio University
"I like DNADynamo. Now I cannot do research without this software!" K.A. - The University of Texas
"I used DNADynamo in my previous lab. I moved to vancouver and tried other analysis programs but bluetractor blows them all out
of the water! Nice one." D.M. - University of British Columbia
"I'm totally addicted to the cowboy" Z.K. University College London
"Hello, we got bad news today !! our temporary license has expired ! We gonna place an order ... so we will be able to pursue our
work with your amazing program." ML, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'University Laval
"overall I found this program is very nice and costumer service is excellent." Y.H. University of Oregon
"Hi. It's a good software, and I'm going to purchase it soon!" M.T University of Utah
"The DNADynamo is excellent software and it is one of my favorite software. Thank you" H.T. Tohoku University Biomedical
Engineering Research Organization
You can follow @DNADynamo on twitter for news on updates and short ‘how to’ videos